Join Chairs Marilyn and Ben Weber for the 6th Annual JDRF Fund A Cure
Luncheon at Brook Hollow Golf Club.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Brook Hollow Golf Club
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Join us for Keynote Speaker Will Cross.
William H. Cross is anAmericanmountain climber. In May 2006 he summited Mount Everest. He has ascended the highest peaks on all seven continents and walked to both theNorthandSouth Poles. He has also led expeditions to 15 unmapped, unexplored mountains in Greenlandand in Patagonia,Mountains of the Moon, the Sahara Desert, and the Thar Desert of India.
Cross has lived with type 1 diabetesfor over 30 years. He manages his diabetes in the most extreme conditions, while facing challenges such as irregular meals; extreme temperatures; unusual sleeping patterns; physical exertion; high risks of frostbite and dehydration; and other less than ideal conditions in which to monitor glucose levels and administer insulin.
He also works as a motivational speaker and seeks to get out the message that if he can control his diabetes in the most unlikely conditions, no one should feel hindered by diabetes.